Mar 20, 2011

MMS Viva Questions

1.       What is the difference between metal and alloy?
2.       Draw the cooling curve for  metal and alloy?
3.       How does alloys are classifeid according freezing range?
4.       What is Gibb’s phase rule?
5.       Define metallurgy.
6.       What are the different types of binary systems?
7.       What is the difference between cast iron and steel?
8.       Define ferrite, cementite, austenite, pearlite, martensite, bainite.
9.       Define phase, component , degrees of freedom.
10.   What is the microstructure of hypo eutectoid  steel?
11.   What is the microstructure of hyper eutectoid  steel?
12.   What is the microstructure of eutectoid  steel?
13.   What is the difference Tie line and Lever Rule?
14.   What  is allotropy?
15.   What are different types of cast iron ?
16.   What is annealing ?
17.   What is normailizing?
18.   What is hardening?
19.   What is hardenablity?
20.   What is the phase produced during  hardening?
21.   What are the different types of steel  according to commercial way?
22.   What is CCR?
23.   What is  austempering?
24.   What is martempering?
25.   What is T-T-T  diagram?

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